Speaker Summary

Gill Jones is Ofsted’s Deputy Director of Early Education and she was appointed a Senior HMI in January 2013, having joined Ofsted in 2007. She is a qualified teacher and has extensive leadership and management experience as a headteacher and local authority inspector.

Full Profile

Gill is currently the Deputy Director for Early Education, leading on the policy relating to early years in schools and the regulatory sector. She joined Ofsted in 2007 as one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors (HMI). She has extensive leadership and management experience as a headteacher and local authority inspector. She was a Consultant Leader for the National College of School Leadership and led training for head teachers and local authorities. She has a keen interest in improving children’s literacy, language and communication, leading training in literacy for HMI. Gill worked on developing the 2012 schools framework and more recently the common inspection framework.