Building Learning Power™ with Guy Claxton

An overview of the latest developments

  • Help young people to become better learners
  • Balance subject content with learning how to learn
  • Grow students’ learning characters for a learning age
  • The brain is born ready, willing and limitless – expand your students’ learning capacities
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The brain is born ready, willing and limitless

Strengthen students’ abilities to be:

− Effective decision makers

− Skilful problem solvers

− Powerful learners

− Their own teachers

Expand your students’ learning capacities

Flex pupils’ learning muscles every day, every lesson:

− Questioning

− Critical thinking

− Collaboration

− Determination

10 practical ways to create a BLP school – from seeds to sustainability

Create a classroom climate where questioning is king

Build a collaborative staff community and monitor its vital signs

Create a common language of ‘learnish’ in the curriculum

Get parents involved – how to send ideas home

Build on BLP case study outcome

Daily and exceptional job satisfaction

High staff involvement in school pedagogies

Harnessing student voice

Transformation of student behaviour

Exam result success

Going beyond ‘hints and tips’

Tools to become a learning power coach

Dual focus to involve lesson content and learning power

‘Wild topics’ that engage students

‘Potentiating’ activities to work learning muscles

Winning classroom routines:

− See Think Wonder (STW)

− Independent Collaborative Teacher (ICT)

− Plus Minus Interesting (PMI)


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Course Type

Teaching & Learning