Perfect EAL Support

  • What works perfectly when teaching and assessing EAL learners
  • A cutting-edge approach for using technology to support EAL learners
  • Strategies to demonstrate progress to Ofsted


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Establish best practice in Ethnic Minority Achievement

A range of EAL programmes and interventions

Effective mainstream EAL strategies

The most up-to-date ICT initiatives and resources

Step-by-step guide to building the inclusive classroom

Benchmark where you are now

Identify and support children at different stages of learning EAL

Use case studies to clarify best practice for EAL

Recognise what good interventions look like

Analyse language demands across the curriculum

Support the development of speaking, listening, reading and writing

Embed cultural understanding into the curriculum

Evaluate and monitor progress

Tips, tools and techniques to ensure learners thrive in a mainstream classroom

  • EAL software, resources and websites

  • Assessment tools

  • Effective questioning techniques

  • Strategies to support more advanced EAL learners