The Learning Survey

Join one of the largest surveys of student learning ever to be undertaken.

The Power of Learning

The Osiris Global Learning Survey is one of the largest surveys of student learning (N = 29,000) ever to be undertaken. Designed with the support of Professor John Hattie and School leaders, this survey forensically delves into the detail of what students say about learning. It is strikingly not what teachers, schools, inspectors might say and provides the key to leveling up outcomes and providing a more equitable and fair education system. In schools the uplift in knowledge is continually tested and given great attention. There is much less focus on the development of the pupil as a learner, despite research showing potential large yields and leveling up.

The Focus

Student expectations, sense of challenge, importance of aiming high, impact of enthusiastic teachers, learning strategies, help seeking, seeing errors as opportunities, fairness, and safety as a learner.

The Full report has been released (see below) with 6 recommendations for policy makers and 8 for School leaders and governors.

Headlines that have hit the press from John Hattie’s launch of the Survey are:

“Ofsted doesn’t care about learning”

Authors Stephen Cox, Anne-Marie Duguid and Professor John Hattie

Read the Phase One Report

The full report from phase one of The Learning Survey is here outlining:

  • What the results tell us about the state of learning in schools
  • How school leaders can best impact on outcomes

Why the Learning Survey?

The concept of a large scale, international survey of student learning grew out of the Trusts for Impact movement, which was formed from a core group of education leaders wanting to shape and value what we measure in education and not solely rely on examination performance and the acquisition of knowledge. In these challenging and changing times trusting our profession to make the right judgements about the right things is essential.


The starting point must be the pupils and their learning.


From this basis, the founding members and extended group of Trusts for Impact co-created the narrative and learning survey over the last year using the research, student focus groups, iterative group discussions.

From the survey results we will build our own internal database and make properly informed decisions to improve learning and the life chances of our students. We can allow success to be measured over time in a defensible way. Globally we can define a new dashboard and a different discourse around learning.


  • The results are now in for phase one of The Learning Survey
  • The full report is available now
  • Please register for phase two coming in May/June 2023