Speaker Summary

An experienced senior leader in both Scotland and England, former Head Teacher Judy Pitt is an accredited Visible Learning plus and Osiris Teaching Intervention trainer. Judy is passionate about whole school improvement and staff wellbeing. She has significant first hand experience of leading schools through challenging circumstances. Her counselling, coaching and mentoring strengths enable her to quickly recognise and cultivate the potential in others and school organisations.

Areas of Expertise

Behaviour Management - Coaching - Leadership and Management - Primary - Teaching and Learning - Visible Learning - Whole School Improvement

Full Profile

Judy is able to spot signs of improvement and develop these further to maximise the potential of all. She is naturally curious and thrives on supporting others to reflect on practice, take risks to develop experiential learning and to understand their impact on student learning.
With 25 years in Education, Judy brings her experience of senior leadership and classroom practice to the post. Whilst a senior leader at Lyndon Green Junior School she led her school through the Visible Learning programme and also provided the opportunity for 10 members of her staff to engage in the OTI programme.
Using her deep understanding and expertise of whole school improvement strategies, Judy provides leaders and teachers with the tools they require to improve outcomes for all pupils. A credible advocate of learning and teaching, Judy constantly receives amazing evaluations for her energetic and knowledgeable approach.


Osiris Teaching Intervention
Visible Learning+