The reality of primary school inspections
Unpick what’s new in inspection
Discuss the new Estyn judgements
Demystify what documentation you need
All other evidence Estyn expect to see
Step-by-step guide to an excellent inspection
Preparation for the inspection:
preparing the school environment
receiving the initial phone call
writing a good self-evaluation report
collating evidence, including learner and parental voice
uploading information to the Virtual Inspection Room
What to expect during the inspection:
the inspection timetable
organising the work sample
using professional dialogue
the role of the nominee, including confidentiality
what inspectors want to see during lesson observations
examples of questions from inspectors, and how to answer them
interpreting questionnaires for parents, governors, pupils and staff
After the inspection:
addressing important aspects that require improvement
responding to recommendations
improving good and excellent schools
working with local authorities and governors
supporting your colleagues and sharing best practice