Metacognition and Self-Regulation Conference – London

The UK’s leading expert practitioners and researchers gather to show us why metacognition is so important and how we can teach it to our pupils.

Understand how to implement learning strategies:

– to raise pupil mastery and improve achievement

– to produce dramatic and immediate gains in learner efficacy and outcomes

– to see significant advances in pupils with SEN

– to unpick the link between metacognition and self-assessment accuracy

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The UK’s leading expert practitioners and researchers gather to show us why metacognition is so important and how we can teach it to our pupils.

The sign of a great learner is knowing what to do when you don’t know what to do. Surely all our children deserve this? This conference will give you the strategies and tools to ensure that all your pupils become great learners.

In Finland and Singapore, teachers are taught metacognition, but in the UK we have only recently understood how to implement this in the classroom with our learners.

51 studies have produced a detailed picture of rich benefits, but implementation remains tough.

Conference Timetable


Additional information


1st July 2020




Venue to be confirmed up to 4 weeks in advance

Key Stage

Primary, Secondary